Today is a real treat, not only is this a timely episode based on current market conditions but we welcome back Rob Arnott, the Founder & Chairman of Research Affiliates who manages billions of dollars and who for the third time, shares his insights with us on the podcast. If you have missed any of our prior conversations go check them out after you finish this one, in 2016 we talked about whether Third Pillar Investment Belong In Your 401(k) Plan, then in 2017 we talked about Avoiding the Bubble in Complacency and this year doesn’t disappoint. With the recent volatility in the financial markets, Rob shares his thoughts on interest rates, inflation, market valuations and how diversification is a double edged sword. We also hit on a few important topics such as smart beta, factor investing and the challenges that come with potential low investment returns in the future. I won’t steal his thunder, trust me this is a good one.
Guest Bio
Rob Arnott is the founder and chairman of the board of Research Affiliates. He is also portfolio manager on the PIMCO All Asset and All Asset All Authority family of funds and the PIMCO RAE™ suite of funds.
Over his career, Rob has endeavored to bridge the worlds of academic theorists and financial markets, challenging conventional wisdom and searching for solutions that add value for investors. He has pioneered several unconventional portfolio strategies that are now widely applied, including tactical asset allocation, global tactical asset allocation, tax-advantaged equity management, and the Fundamental Index approach to investing. His success in doing so has resulted in a reputation as one of the world’s most provocative practitioners and respected financial analysts.
401(k) Fridays Podcast Overview
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